About Us

About Us

Castus Power Solutions is the vision of the young Indian founder, Mr. Bharat Bansal, as he completed his Business Studies abroad and understood the fundamentals of business from every aspect.

Over the period of time, he decided to return his knowledge and understanding back to the country with a Vision to serve the society in a positive way and to protect the mother planet for a better place to live. Finally, this gave birth to the KmaiXe batteries.

At KmaiXe batteries, we are dedicated and committed not only to provide quality and world class environment to our team but also a reliable and a promising product to customer satisfaction steadily and surely. It is a vision of a young Indian that came along with talented teams, craftsmanship and infusing technology in progressive and modern way of doing business.

Most importantly we take pride in helping our customers by developing and delivering high quality products at an affordable price that assure peace of mind and value for money.


We have a strong and skilled team of engineers, designers, R&D innovators, and product managers with excellent manufacturing facilities along with supply chain professionals, quality assurance sales, customer service staff, who are constantly contributing their hard work and dedication to build K maiXe batteries - A name to reckon with in the country and globally.

Castus is proud to be one of the fastest growing companies in the lead acid battery segment with more than 80 passionate and dedicated employees throughout India.